Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Dancer

She twirls and spins, a spark in the night,

Body lean, smooth, sinews tight.

Pitter, patter, her feet on the floor

Never touching, the audience yearns for more.

An arm outstretched, a leg extended… the dancer leaps…

But like a leaf, she lands, soundless on her feet.

Then a flash of teeth, a smile, stillness for a second

Sweat glistens with the exertion previously beckoned.

In that moment I see all. The colour of her eyes; brown like a oak. The passion that rages like a bonfire. Her limbs like birds wings, perfectly poised and a grin like a imp. There is nothing of the person that usually dwells in that body. No longer the nervous fidgeting girl. No. Now this… being is something else, not a girl, not a woman, not a goddess. An element. A spirit; an emotion given form and substance.

Pale skin, raven hair and flesh smoother than river stones. The very air she moves with has, overtime, moulded her so that no lines remain, only curves. The nape of her neck, the small of her back, the five strands in front on her face. And always the grin. The smirk. The smile… and then it’s gone. She fly’s.

The tempo builds on the floor, fuelled by her fire,

The feet spring as they will never tire.

A bend here, a pirouette there

Not a shred of fear in that electrified air.

A landing and a twist,

Close but not a miss.

And then…

The element stills and the possession ends,

And before me stands a momentarily forgotten friend.


LANG, D.: Amelia (Blu-ray)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Les 7 doigts de la main / The 7 Fingers - TRACES - Sofa

A classic

Traces - Chair Dance

Traces got a new cast (this is the 3rd - although Brad seems to be back) oh yea and hot dam the first part of this act is nice!